Mastering Virtual Networking: An Easy Idea for Your Next Virtual Event

Networking can be a challenging aspect of attending virtual events. Without the in-person interactions that we're used to, it can be difficult to meet new people and form professional connections. However, with a little bit of effort, it's still possible to network effectively in a virtual setting. In this post, we'll share an idea to make online networking easier at your next virtual event.

Step 1: Before the event - ask the organizers for a public sign-up sheet

First, it's worth reaching out to the event organizers to see if they have a public sign-up sheet for those who wish to network. This isn't always the case, but there's no harm in asking. If they do have one, be sure to add your name and contact information to the list.

Step 2: During the event - participate in the live public chat

During the event, if there's a live public chat, participate! Introduce yourself if prompted, and don't be afraid to drop the link to your public social media. Make it easy for people to connect with you.

Step 3: After the event - plan your own Zoom meetup

Once the event is over, plan your own Zoom meetup. Create an agenda so potential attendees know what to expect. You don't need to create a fancy landing page - just put the info into a Google Doc. Be sure to include the date, time, meeting link, and a link to that Google Doc you made.

Step 4: DM attendees to invite them to your meetup

DM attendees to invite them to your meetup. Be sure to tell them the date, time, meeting link, and link to the Google Doc you created. If you don't have attendees' contact information, post the invite on your social media and encourage others to share it. You can also send it to the event organizers - they might not participate, but they might be willing to amplify it.

In conclusion, networking at virtual events can be challenging, but it's still possible to form professional connections with a little bit of effort. By asking for a public sign-up sheet before the event, participating in the live public chat, and planning your own Zoom meetup afterwards, you can make online networking easier and more effective. Give it a try at your next virtual event and see how it goes!


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